To define or reengineer HR Processes,

HR Policies, and

HR Practices and align them with the organisational goals


Efficient HR practices attract talent to organisations. It also results in talent retention and increased profits

The Prashna Approach

Evaluate the suitability of the existing HR policies, processes, and practices against the organisation’s goals
Identify the gaps
Develop solution involving subject matter experts from the organization
Roll-out and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution

HR Process, Policies and Practices Consulting is one of the core strengths of Prashna Consulting


The following are our areas of consultation

HR Process, Human Resource Planning Process, HR Policies, HR Manual, HR Practices, Job Analysis, HR Audit, Succession Planning, Performance Appraisal, Job Evaluation, Career Planning, Employee Separation, HR Onboarding, Recruitment And Selection Process Reengineering,
HR Forecasting, HR Benchmarking, Recruitment Policy, Employee Exit Process, Employee Life Cycle Management, Recruitment Strategies Consulting, Management Development, 360 Degree Appraisal, Process Of Human Resource Accounting, Exit Formalities, Job Designing

What is an HR Process?

Human Resources Process is the process of managing all aspects of human resources activities that include recruitment, selection, training, payroll administration, compensation management, performance management, employee benefits and recognition programs. A well-defined HR process provides a structured framework for accomplishing HR tasks efficiently. An effective HR process is designed to reduce administrative costs, increase productivity, enhance morale, and improve staff retention.

Candidate being interviewed by HR

What are HR Policies?

HR policies are written rules for human resources management. These rules apply to all aspects of employee relations. They include job descriptions, compensation, work scheduling, performance evaluation, benefits, safety, and the like. Every company has some policy about these things, but they tend to be different from one business to another. These policies aim to ensure fairness, consistency, and predictability of how employees behave in a work environment.


What are HR practices?

HR practices include compensation plans, benefits, employee training, performance reviews, job descriptions, recruitment processes, work hours/schedules, etc. These activities are essential for any business; however, they also impact employee morale and satisfaction, leading to higher productivity. A strong HR department helps create a positive workplace where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Most organisations need HR practices to be aligned with business strategies and goals. HR needs to drive innovation to help the organisation achieve its strategic objectives.


Job analysis in HRM

The foremost purpose of job analysis is to find out what jobs exist and how they are performed. Job analysis helps to determine who needs which positions, what they do, and where they are required. Job analysis also includes determining a person's performance level for various tasks based on their past experience. Job analysis is used when a new position is introduced and during the evaluation process of current employees.


What is the purpose of Job evaluation in HRM?

A job evaluation is a process used by human resources professionals to determine whether or not a person should be hired into a role, promoted to a higher level in the organisation, or terminated from employment. This determination can be based upon personality traits, personal attributes, technical skills, or other factors. The term 'job evaluation' has evolved since its original use in the 1940s. Then, hiring managers had to document the performance of new hires to prove they were productive members of society. Today, job evaluations are still vital for determining who should be working at every level in any company.


What is the purpose of job designing in HRM?

Human resource management aims to enable organisations to deliver the best service possible for customers. It is essential to know what skills, knowledge, and training your workforce needs to do this. Job design identifies these skills, knowledge, and training and then develops them into realistic jobs. This ensures that all staff has a clear understanding of how they fit into the organisation and their responsibilities.

Job design is the process of creating a set of jobs for individuals working together toward organisational goals. Job designs are usually created through business analysis, involving interviews with key stakeholders and employees to gain insight into current processes and practices. The output from job design is typically used to create job descriptions, which describe the skills, knowledge, abilities, experiences, and other characteristics that are important to successful performance at the position. 


The human resource planning process

Human resources are one of the most significant expenses for any business. To ensure a proper budget is allocated to HR activities, you need to create a plan. The first step is to establish goals and deadlines for each employee position and job description. Next, determine how much each employee costs per year and what skills they require. After that, calculate how much money will be needed to hire new employees. The last step is to determine whether there are training programs available for current staff members to learn new skills.


What is the importance of HR Audit?

An HR audit is crucial because it helps you to ensure that all regulations are followed, and employee records are kept updated. The compliance team at HubSpot performs regular audits to ensure that everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing.


Recruitment and selection process in HRM

Recruitment and selection are the two fundamental processes involved in hiring a candidate for a job. The first step in both processes is to identify the position - what exactly do you want from a candidate? Once you've identified the role, the next stage is to decide whom you're looking for to fill the position. This might be based on skills, experience or personality traits. If you're recruiting internally, the last stage is to assess whether they're suitable for the job. If they aren't, you need to develop a plan to find someone else.

The recruitment cycle has three stages: 1. Recruitment, 2. Selection, and 3. Onboarding. During the recruitment stage, a recruiter identifies candidates for a particular position based on qualifications and background information provided by job seekers. Next, during selection, potential hires undergo interviews and other tests to determine whether they meet the company's requirements. Finally, once hired, new employees go through several weeks of onboarding training, which helps them adjust to the organisation's culture and processes.

Recruitment policy in HRM

A recruitment policy in Human Resource Management sets out how employers should recruit for vacancies and do when employees resign. The primary purpose of a recruitment policy is to ensure fairness across all staff members. If a company has a poor recruitment policy, staff members may feel discriminated against by being treated differently.

A recruitment policy is often described as a set of rules for hiring. The idea behind this policy is that employees know what they are expected to do and how things work when they sign up for employment. For example, policies about how long new hires should be employed are usually part of the recruitment policy. Other policies may include what kinds of conduct are acceptable while at work and who has access to certain company areas.


Recruitment strategies in HRM

There are several ways to recruit HR professionals for your company. Some examples include posting job openings on websites such as Craigslist, LinkedIn, Monster, Career Builder, Glassdoor, and Simply Hired; participating in industry conferences; using social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and YouTube.

Recruitment strategies often involve the use of job adverts, which are written advertisements placed in newspapers, magazines, and websites. The idea behind these ads is to attract applicants who match specific requirements, thus reducing the amount of time spent recruiting new staff. This method is commonly used when searching for experienced employees or workers at managerial positions.


Succession planning in HRM

Succession planning ensures that individuals who join a company continue to be effective leaders in the future. The organisation should develop a plan to ensure that new leaders can step into key positions when they leave. This includes identifying potential successors, training them, and providing they know how to operate effectively.

When planning for succession to a role, it is essential to think through the skills, experience, and knowledge needed to fill the position. Some managers believe that they should pick a successor based solely upon success in previous positions. However, choosing someone with no relevant experience can lead to poor decisions, such as hiring someone from another department who doesn't understand how the company operates. Instead, it is best to hire someone who is highly skilled in the area of expertise but also knows how the industry works.


Performance appraisal in HRM

A performance appraisal in HRM is a process where organisations review how well workers perform their jobs. This includes assessing employee skills, qualifications, training needs, and job performance. The purpose of a performance evaluation is twofold: 1) to inform managers about what kind of work employees do best and 2) to help determine whether the organisation should give raises or promotions. Evaluate employees based on several factors, such as results achieved, customer service, and productivity.


What is 360-degree appraisal in HRM?

In human resource management, the 360-degree appraisal is a comprehensive evaluation of a person to determine how well they work together. The idea behind 360-degree appraisals is for HR managers to gather feedback from all relevant sources about each employee they deal with. This is done through interviews, observations, and written assessments. By doing this, they can better understand how to work effectively with each individual.


What is career planning in HRM?

Career planning refers to a process through which one considers different options for their future careers. This means thinking about what kind of work they want to pursue in the long run and figuring out how to get there. Career planning also includes identifying goals and making decisions about your career path.

Career planning is about preparing for future job changes and career opportunities. If you have some plan for your next step at work, you can focus on what you want to do when you retire from your current position. Also, if you know where your skills lie, you can show employers how they can use those talents.


What is an HR manual?

An HR manual is a document that provides information related to human resources. The document contains different topics such as employment contracts, benefits, employee reviews, training programs etc. These documents are provided at the workplace for all employees to read and understand.

A human resources manual provides information for managers about how they should treat employees, deal with issues such as harassment and discrimination, etc. The manual also contains employee handbooks and policies.

An HR Manual is a book used to teach managers and employees how to do things properly. The HR manual provides rules for all personnel, such as when they should be paid, what hours they need to work, where their desks are, etc. In addition, many companies use HR manuals to help train new hires about company policies and procedures.


Employee exit process

An employee exit process is an organised way for employees to leave their company. The goal is to minimise negative impacts on the business while making an orderly transition. Typically, an exit process includes the following stages: 1) preparation - preparing your organisation for the departure 2) notification - informing your team about the details of the exit plan 3) separation - separating your employee from their work 4) closure - closing out the final tasks associated with the exit 5) farewell - celebrating the end of the team member's tenure at the organisation 


What is employee separation?

Employee separation occurs when businesses are forced to cut costs and lay off workers. It may be necessary when business revenues fall below a certain level or when company performance declines significantly. Most companies need to reduce staff sizes due to competition in the market and technological advances. The downsizing process may involve layoffs, early retirement, or termination package.


Exit formalities in HR

The exit formalities for HR management include recruitment, payroll, benefits administration, compensation/bonuses, and retirement plan administration. These processes should be completed at least annually. The exit formalities must be followed to create tax documentation, comply with corporate laws and regulations, and ensure complete transactions. Exit formalities also allow the correct errors that may exist in the system.


HR onboarding

HR onboarding or induction is a process for new hires to be trained and prepared for work. This includes training them about company culture, policies, procedures, and using software tools like Office 365. Induction is especially important for remote workers who may need to spend weeks or months working from home.

HR induction also refers to the process by which new hires receive training from their supervisor and start working for the company. This is especially important when people join your company after being at another company where they may have received little or no training. The HR onboarding process should include the following elements:

  • Defining job responsibilities.
  • Showing how skills translate into real-life applications.
  • Teaching how to communicate effectively.
  • Giving the employee the tools necessary to succeed.


What is HR forecasting?

Human resources forecasting is used to predict future workforce requirements. The process requires gathering data about current employee employment trends, demographics, market conditions, etc., and then analysing them to find patterns and make predictions. HR departments use this information to decide where they need to hire new staff members or lay off existing ones.

Hr forecasting is when the company predicts how much each employee will earn in a year based on historical data from previous years. The hrm forecast gives you an idea about what your paycheck should be for the upcoming year. This information would help you budget better, plan for future expenses, and avoid unexpected financial crises.


What is HR benchmarking?

HR Benchmarking uses data from multiple sources to identify trends and best practices. This helps organisations determine how they stack up against other companies regarding compensation, benefits, and productivity. The goal of HR benchmarking is to provide insight into your organisation's performance, allowing you to develop strategies for improvement.


Employee life cycle in HR

Employee life cycle in human resource management refers to a new hire's process from when they first apply for a job until retirement. The different stages include Onboarding, Training, Transition, Mentoring, Career Development, Promotion, and Retirement. A company should be able to provide all these things so employees can grow professionally and become successful at work.


Management development in HRM

Management development in Human Resources Management (HRM) is a process that leads to the improvement of human resources functions through training to achieve individual and organisational goals. This process includes planning activities such as developing training programs for managers and staff, improving recruitment processes, evaluating performance and establishing compensation packages. The goal of management development is continuous learning to enable individuals to meet the needs of the organisation.


What is the significance of employee grievance handling in an organisation?

Employee Grievance handling is an important part of any organisation because it helps reduce the company's losses due to its employees' misconduct. Employees' grievances can be handled in various ways, such as internal complaints, customer complaints etc. Complaints about misconduct should be reported to the appropriate authority to resolve them properly. Employees also have the right to file a complaint against managers, supervisors, fellow workers etc. However, they must use proper channels for reporting complaints.


Training and development process in HRM

Training and development in human resources management is a formal educational program designed to develop skills for various positions in the organisation. The objective of training in Human Resources Management is to help the participants acquire basic knowledge about the field of human resources and how they can be applied in daily work activities. This also helps them understand the different roles and responsibilities involved and how to carry out these tasks effectively.


The process of human resource accounting

The process of Human Resource Accounting involves tracking employee hours worked, calculating salaries and benefits, and collecting related information such as taxes, insurance premiums etc. This helps employers comply with labour laws while still making sure employees receive what they are entitled to.

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