Cloud transformation without the right strategy will undoubtedly lead to failure. But, on the other hand, with the right, tailor-made cloud strategy, organisations achieve the much-needed agility and elasticity to sustain and scale their business growth.
Contact us for consultation on choosing the right cloud for the proper functionality.

The EZEECORP Approach

Analyse & Understand current IT setup
Prepare Cloud Migration Plan based on computing
Implement Cloud Migration Plan and Support
On-the- job Observations & Improvements

How does cloud computing helps businesses?



Cloud computing makes your data storage more secure than ever before. Businesses use cloud computing to store important information such as business financial records, customer details, product specifications and inventory lists. By storing your sensitive data in the cloud, you get access to this information anytime and anywhere. You also save money by not having to buy or rent extra servers for your business.

Illustration of cloud computing

Why cloud computing is important?

Cloud Computing helps companies be more efficient by reducing costs. Companies pay less for their computers because they use them over the Internet instead of sitting in an office or warehouse. Instead of storing all your data locally, you store it online and access it via your web browser. This saves storage space and electricity usage. Cloud Computing also provides backup services and other security features.


Is cloud computing the future?

Yes, there is much evidence to suggest that cloud computing will be the future. Cloud computing is a recent development that allows computers to share resources across a network. Computers can now access the same software applications over the Internet instead of installing them locally. This has allowed companies and individuals to use fewer machines, saving money and time. There are many benefits to this technology, including increased security. Companies can also store large amounts of data in one location and access it remotely when needed. This could allow businesses to save money by sharing storage space and reducing the amount of hardware and software required. Cloud computing is likely to become more popular as prices come down and the service improves.


What are cloud computing layers?

Cloud Computing Layer are a type of software used by several companies to create online services. These services allow users to access data stored remotely over the internet. Cloud Computing layers are an abstraction of hardware resources. Layers help you manage your data across multiple clouds. Each layer runs on servers located within a private network, or cloud. A specific service may be composed of many layers. Examples include Google Drive, Dropbox, Skype and Microsoft Office 365.


What are cloud computing models?

Cloud computing models enable you to access the Internet from anywhere using your computer or mobile device over high-speed connections. Some people think that cloud computing refers to the fact that data is stored in remote locations while other people believe that it refers to the fact that it uses many servers. However, when it comes to cloud computing, both aspects are important. As mentioned above, cloud computing offers easy access to information. On the other hand, it also provides a number of benefits such as security, efficiency, scalability, and cost reduction.


What is cloud migration assessment?

An Information Technology (IT) cloud migration assessment is a type of project management that involves analyzing an organization’s existing computing environment and determining how much data must be moved and what technology needs to be replaced or upgraded to move your IT infrastructure to the cloud.


What are the types of cloud services?

Cloud computing is an important topic due to its growing importance as more companies begin to use it. In recent years, Amazon uses cloud computing platforms such as EC2 to store data and run servers. There are four types of cloud services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Managed Services. These services provide infrastructure and application resources over the Internet. The cloud is becoming increasingly popular because it allows people to access software or applications without having to install them on their personal computers. This eliminates the need to upgrade every time new versions of software come out. To help make things easier for users, many businesses offer free accounts to those who sign up for them online. Some free options include Google Apps and Microsoft.


Cloud technology and its implications for entrepreneurship

Cloud technology is an important part of new software development because many applications require that users download them online. For example, if you want to access your calendar or read e-mail messages, you need to use a web browser. This makes cloud computing much easier than traditional methods of using computers.


What is cloud technology and how does it work?

Cloud technology is an Internet application service that provides services to users over the internet. A user can access the service using any device connected to the web. Cloud computing uses virtual machines that run different software programs as if they were on personal computers. The virtual machine acts like a computer while running other programs. Each program runs independently within a single operating system. The user can use the same applications without having to purchase the applications for each individual user or device. These programs are saved on servers so that the user can access them when needed. Users can also connect to these accounts remotely.


What is cloud technology and information security?

Cloud computing is an internet-based model of data storage that allows users to store files in remote servers or Internet-connected computers. Information security refers to the methods used by organizations to safeguard sensitive data and restrict access to that data. Cybersecurity refers to efforts to protect computer systems, networks, and data from theft.


Who are cloud technology partners?

Cloud technology partners are companies that provide services such as hosting data centres and offering applications in the cloud. Most providers offer some combination of hardware, software, and network resources to help customers store, manage, access, search, analyze, secure, or back up information. Many also offer storage space, databases, email accounts, mobile apps, security services, and other tools.

Cloud technology is no longer a mere option but rather an essential element of digital transformation. It brings a competitive advantage to your business by enabling you to grow quickly. However, cloud transformation without the right strategy will certainly lead to failure. With the right, tailor-made cloud strategy, organisations achieve the much-needed agility and elasticity to sustain, as well as scale their business growth.

With more than two decades of experience in technology, we have a thorough understanding of the way IT works and ways to improve it. We have gathered the skills and experience to help customers avoid costly mistakes.

We are a cloud-native development company building products over the cloud. With our experience in cloud implementation, we can help you to transform your legacy on-premises operations to the cloud. If you are already having your operations on the cloud, we can help you to streamline it, making sure it provides the agility and elasticity you need.

We can be your IT partner in planning, computing, migration, implementation, and management. We help you select the right cloud for the right functionality. This includes designing both short-term and long-term cost-governance structures, which helps you choose the cloud or hybrid solution that is best for your business while supplying end-to-end migration management and support.


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